Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Complexity Threshold

Everyone has one.  It specifies how complex a solution or plan has to be in order for someone to even attempt to believe it.  If it's not complex enough to meet someone’s threshold they will dismiss it, without even knowing why.  “It doesn’t feel right,” “That can’t work,”  “I don’t know why, I just don’t like it,” are all indicator responses. The “NASA designing a pen to write in space while Russians just used pencils” story is a classic example.  Once you start noticing you’ll see it all around you and in your own behavior.  It is especially prevalent in the technical and management arenas.  You can try experiments.  If someone immediately or vaguely dismisses an idea that in fact does address the issue, try adding some extra bells and whistles and pitch it again.  This often butts up against incomplete requirements or expectatins but it is still fun to try.  And you can monitor yourself and through diligence and practice change your threshold.

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