Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Opposite of Love is Fear

For a long time I bought into the whole love/hate angle, but it never quite rang true.  The “different sides of the same coin” theory made more sense to me.  So if not hate then what?  Why fear? Check this out.  Fear is totally self-centered, concerned only about the safety or inferred safety of the fearful entity.  It is about short term, self-survival and is hard-wired into us.  Love on the other hand is completely outward focussed.  (Note we are talking about Love not Lust)  It is all about the safety and welfare of some else.  It can be local, global, personal or social, but it is always about someone else.  Love is also a learned emotion, we aren’t born with it.  Babies and children are completely self-centered.  Somewhere along the line we learn about caring for others and then we have to choose to live our life that way.  The Opposite of Love is Fear.


  1. At some point I learned the opposite of love is indifference. Perhaps fear, love, and and indifference are three opposing elements.

  2. extending the directive-ness argument than perhaps indifference is the lack of either love or fear. Something like numbness (temporary or chronic) brought on by trauma, exhaustion or genetics.
